Medical Center Christian Fellowship (MCCF) is an informal group of Christian students in the health professions who gather periodically for fellowship, teaching, and prayer. The Fellowship has been an active part of the URMC community for over 30 years, encouraging its members in their personal faith and highlighting opportunities to engage in medical missions at home and abroad.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bible Study Pot Luck changed to Friday

Hello everyone,
So the plan so far has been to have a pot luck this week in place of our normal bible study, however, the second years have a panel/dinner going on that night at 6 that pertains to information about third year that will be helpful to us. Most of us are going to be there. It totally slipped our minds. So, if it okay with you all, we would like to have it Friday night at 6:30 at Robin's  house ( 67 Southview Terrace, off of Elmwood between South and Mt. Hope). We hope that everyone can come out. You can stay as long as you want (aka you don't have to stay long if you don't want to).
Please let us know if this new time will conflict with any other plans. Also don't forget to email what food you will be bringing (it can be anything). Thank you so much.
PS I'm baking macroni and cheese.
Boahema, Robin and Mary


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