Medical Center Christian Fellowship (MCCF) is an informal group of Christian students in the health professions who gather periodically for fellowship, teaching, and prayer. The Fellowship has been an active part of the URMC community for over 30 years, encouraging its members in their personal faith and highlighting opportunities to engage in medical missions at home and abroad.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bible Study Next Wed

Hello lovely people,

Thanks everyone who came to dinner last week, we certainly had a great evening with Dr. Morehouse and Susan. We're hoping to have more physician "guest speakers" in the future. If you're interested in talking to Christian docs in a specific specialty, we'll see what we can do. There is a directory of Christian physicians in the greater Rochester area if you're interested in getting in touch and/or shadowing. Check it out at and click on the "Directory" leaf on the left.

Anyways, our next Bible study (which you might have already guessed) will be next Wed @ 8 and not tonight. It'll most likely be at David's house (53 Westview Terrace), but we'll confirm in the email next week. Enjoy your free evening!

First years, we hope your ICM went well! Good luck with your block 3 exam on Monday! We'll be praying for you. Ah, the joys of cranial nerves... Remember to take deep breaths (lol).


Tiffany & David

Tiffany Chi, MS2
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
601 Elmwood Ave, Box 56


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