Medical Center Christian Fellowship (MCCF) is an informal group of Christian students in the health professions who gather periodically for fellowship, teaching, and prayer. The Fellowship has been an active part of the URMC community for over 30 years, encouraging its members in their personal faith and highlighting opportunities to engage in medical missions at home and abroad.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

URMCCF Worship and Praise

Hi Everyone!

It's been a while since we've all been together and I want to invite you to join us this Friday for food and fellowship.

Meet us in PBL 5 for sandwiches and holiday cookies from 5-5:45. Then we'll head down to the hospital chapel at 6 pm for a LIVE acoustic worship set with local worship leader Will Cabrera (to include at least on Christmas carol) and some reflections on the theme: Emmanuel - God with us.

It's going to be a great time, so come out and invite friends!! Looking forward to seeing you there! : )


Myra L. Mathis, MS2
University of Rochester School of Medicine


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